Atelier PS nominated in an annual SARP Competition

The Jury of the Award of the Year 2024 of the Association of Polish Architects selected 21 projects from 83 submitted projects for the final stage of the Competition. In the category: Cultural Building, the object: Golgotha ​​of the East in the Bastion of St. Barbara, Chapel of the Jasna Góra Mother of Reconciliation at Jasna Góra designed by Atelier PS was nominated. Below is a link to the full list of nominated projects.,3433

The Golgotha of the East already opened!

On May 2, 2022, in the Bastion of Saint Barbara at Jasna Góra, the opening of the Golgotha ​​of the East and the consecration of the Jasna Góra Chapel of Our Lady of Reconciliation took place, commemorating millions of Poles - victims of Tsarist Russia and Soviet totalitarianism. The project has been developed since 2004 and the construction was supervised for several years by Atelier PS, in cooperation with Statyk company...

Millenial Gardens in Gazeta Wyborcza

In Gazeta Wyborcza of October 25, 2023, Przemysław Jedlecki, while discussing the already commenced construction of new buildings in the Tysiąclecia Housing Estate by Medusa Group, writes about the previous design proposal of skyscrapers with green facades created in Atelier PS at the request of Epione.,35063,30337887,nowe-wiezowce-przy-kukurydzach-na-osiedlu-tysiaclecia-to-projekt.html

Architektura-Murator on Millenial Gardens in Katowice

On November 19, 2021 Architektura-Murator published on its website a publication entitled "Millenial Gardens in Katowice designed by Atelier PS", beginning it with the words: "The project of Millenial Gardens in Katowice involves the construction of nine point buildings with roofs and facades almost completely covered with greenery. Marek Skwara writes for us about assumptions of this innovative on a Polish scale project."

Millenial Gardens in Gazeta Wyborcza

Gazeta Wyborcza in the issue of November 6, 2021 published an article by Przemysław Jedlecki entitled "Nine skyscrapers with green facades. The first such project in Katowice" presenting the project by Atelier PS located in Osiedle Tysiąclecia. Millenial Gardens, this is how the pioneering residential buildings in Poland were called, assume the creation of centrally operated facade gardens adapted to ...

JASNA GÓRA TRIPTYCH III - Realization of a Contemplative Space

St. Barbara's Bastion at Jasna Góra Monastery was chosen for the location of the Golgotha ​​of the East chapel in 2004 on the basis of the concept design of Atelier PS. After it was accepted by the Pauline Fathers and accepted by Pope John Paul II, further design and research work gained momentum. Starting from the end of this year, a number of permits have been obtained ...


May marks the first anniversary of the death of Stanisław Niemczyk, a separate architect who has always followed his independent creative path. He started with a technical school, which he said made him "rub against the matter itself" first. Then he studied at the Faculty of Architecture in Krakow, where he chose the visionary professor Włodzimierz Gruszczyński as the promoter of his diploma. After graduation...

JASNA GÓRA TRIPTYCH II - Chapel of the Golgotha of the East

Second part of "Jasna Góra Triptych" treating about Golgotha of the East Chapel located in Saint Barbara Bastion designed by Atelier PS, was published in 4/2020 edition of ŚLĄSK monthly. The conceptual design of the Eastern Golgotha Chapel, located in the Bastion of St. Barbara at Jasna Góra, developed by the PS Atelier in 2004, was presented by the Pauline Fathers...

JASNA GÓRA TRIPTYCH I - Bastion of St. Barbara

In 3/2020 issue of ŚLĄSK entitled "Transition Time" first chapter of "Jasna Góra Triptych" by Marek Skwara treating about Saint Barbara Bastion can be found. Bastion, where Pauline Fathers and Atelier PS architects decided in 2004 to locate an underground chapel. For years, building at Jasna Góra has a specific character. New investments in...

Intimate projects - the homely space

"Intimate Projects"- text illustrated with single family houses realisations can be found in 1/2020 edition of ŚLĄSK magazine. Marek Skwara writes about specific nature of housing through centuries, showing three individual, erected in XXI Century objects designed by Atelier PS. Designing single-family houses seems to be less "serious" than dealing with public utilities, high-rise buildings or industrial plants...

Architektura25 with a Gala Climax

Architektura25 with a Gala Climax in Warszawa Hotel was a series of events commemorating 25th Birthday of Architektura – Murator monthly. Magazine hosted texts and projects of Atelier PS several times, including front cover four times. We are cheering Architektura and wish many happy returns ...

The Master Passed away

On May 13, 2019, master Stanisław Niemczyk passed away. He was an open person, empathetic towards everyone; to church-building communities that he was able to bind and mobilize to build temples, devoting his energy, talent and time to the "cause"; to investors showing a good will to cooperate, to fellow architects, which does not happen very often in the environment...

"Unknown Face of the City" in ŚLĄSK

Presentation entitled "Center over the Railway" appeared in 07/2019 edition of montly magazine "ŚLĄSK" with "Unknown Face of the City" subtitle. Photos from Katowice of late 70ties and 80ties of the 20th century are accompanied by a study project elaborated by Atelier PS introducing an idea of developing Silesia Conurbation Centre over railway tracks, which even today cut the city into halves. One ...

“Japanese Inspirations, Toyota – Between Workshop and Art” in ŚLĄSK monthly

ŚLĄSK monthly 06/2019 issue includes a text “Japanease Inspirations, Toyota – Between Workshop and Art” treating about historical fascination of the Western World with Japanease Art. Marek Skwara puts Toyota Showroom in Katowice which realizes an idea of transprogramming in Japanease poetics in this context. Additionally, a conversation entitled “ Public Space and Visual Culture” moderated by Marian Oslislo and a cover photo of “Fire Museum” in Żory by OVO Grąbczewscy are present in this edition, too.

“What would happen if....” appeared in May ŚLĄSK edition

Text “What would happen if....” appeared in May ŚLĄSK edition. Marek Skwara writes about specific character of architectural practice activity, its effectivness and illustrates it with Atelier PS unbuilt projects. In the achievements of every architect, every architectural office, in addition to completed projects, there are works whose life is limited to scratched or printed paper...

“Barbarians in the Garden City” in the Katowice edition of Gazeta Wyborcza

Marek Skwara published a letter entitled “Barbarians in the Garden City” in the Katowice edition of Gazeta Wyborcza in which a history of GOP Green Forest Belt dating 1968 and a recent tree logging, which started in 2019 in Muchowiec Natural Park. The Forest Protection Belt includes the forest ranges, landscape parks surrounding the GOP and individual cities of the conurbation, and in Katowice, among others ...

“Railway Station Square in statu nascendi” in April ŚLĄSK edition

In April, ŚLĄSK published a presentation “Railway Station Square in statu nascendi” by Marek Skwara, treating about revitilization of the central square in Katowice and a its rebuilding proposal by Atelier PS, which was awarded a Second Prize in the Design Workshop organized by the City of Katowice and SARP (Polish Architects' Association). After years of degradation of the buildings of the Old Railway Station in Katowice and the buildings surrounding the Dworcowy Square, the rehabilitation ...

“Uthemann Yesterday and Tomorrow” in ŚLĄSK

In ŚLĄSK 03./2019 issue a text “Uthemann Yesterday and Tomorrow” treating on Uthemann Zink Plant Office Building located in Katowice-Szopienice was published. The remnants of the Plant are being transformed into office-service-storage building according to ATELIER PS project. Marek Skwara writes about historical inspirations of the architects Emil and Georg Zillman, former and future life of the object and current artistic events which take place in the building. Some, large format graffiti photographs accompany architectural pictures.

Release of the Holiness of Place

“Releasing the Sacredness of the Place” presentation appeared in February issue of ŚLĄSK monthly. Marek Skwara writes about Publishing House of the Augsburg-Evangelical Church realised on so called Bielsko Zion, based on the ATELIER PS project acting within Living Architecture Workshop, its functioning in historical context, in cultural junction and its current perception.

Skoda Showroom in historical tram depot in ŚLĄSK

“Dialogue” by Marek Skwara and “Nomadic Showroom” by Grzegorz Stiasny, which originally appeared in monthly ARCHITEKTURA-Murator 1/1998, both depicting Katowice Skoda Showroom realised in mid-90 ties in the historical tram depot were published in ŚLĄSK magazine. Texts and photographs show metamorphosis of the object throughout more than a century of its existence.

Distinction in a competittion organized by BGK Real Estate

Project of the Housing Estate located in Wroclaw, at Kolejowa Street which was prepared by Atelier PS has won a distinction in a competittion organized by BGK Real Estate. Unusual, double stage formula of the competiton procedure has gained an appreciation of the Polish Architects' Association, as well as architects participating in an event.

"Deconstructivism Silesian Way" in ŚLĄSK

In 10/2018 edition of monthly magazine "ŚLĄSK" subtitled "Seeking Aesthetics", in the text "Deconstructivism Silesian Way" Marek Skwara presents objects designed by Atelier PS in this poetics at the break of 20th and 21st century. The set of featured objects comprises a choice of realisations elaborated by the office named a predecessor of this type of activities in Poland. Krzysztof Ingarden...

"The Academic Quarter - vision of immediate future?" in September ŚLĄSK edition

Presentation entitled "Academic Quarter – Vision of Immediate Future?" appeared in 09/2018 edition of montly magazine "ŚLĄSK" with "Katowice Creative City" subtitle. Marek Skwara focuses on the project of the Academy Quarter of the Silesian University located in the center Katowice which was elaborated by Atelier PS and won the 1st Prize in the Project Workshop organized in 2014 by the Katowice Local Authorities, Silesian University and Katowice Branch of Polish Architects' Society (SARP).

DBT Office Building in Silesian Museum

Silesian Museum in Katowice housed an exhibition accompanying Stainless Steel Days, which presented a set of objects using stainless steel selected by Katowice Branch of SARP. DBT Polska Mysłowice Headquarters designed by Atelier PS and built in 2002 was among them.

DBT Headquarters Building as an example of Polish deconstructivism in a book “What languages do we speak?”

Krzysztof Ingarden in a book entitled “What languages do we speak?” presents Polish architecture after 1989, analyzing a variety of formal-artistic languages used by Polish contemporary architects, referring them to stylistic tendencies of the interwar period. Polish deconstructivism was illustrated with DBT Headqarters Building in Mysłowice, and Atelier PS mentioned as a practice designing in this style from the beginning of 90-ties.

"Polish box" from Brynów in TVP Kultura

„Book of Space” TV Series which is devoted to Polish contemporary architecture has been started in January 2015 at TVP Culture Channel. „Away From a Catalogue” edition shows a typical anonymous 60-ties house located in Katowice Brynów district, called „ Polish box” being transformed by ATELIER PS into an elegant town villa of the XXIst century. Starting from January 2018 this presentation called „Brynów Box” is available on YOUTUBE. „Zone of Expanse” Channel.

“Saint Barbara Bastion at Jasna Góra” is published in 01/2018 issue of “Architektura-Murator”

Richly illustarted text “Saint Barbara Bastion at Jasna Góra” is published in the “Workshop Section” of 01/2018 issue of “Architektura-Murator” magazine.It is devoted to the building cenversion of the underground spaces of the Bastion into contemplative chapel designd and conducted by Atelier PS. Material shows a sequence of photographs from 2004 up to now.

Uthemann Zink Plant included in “Katowice Coal Mines and Metal Plants” album

Uthemann Zink Plant designed at the beginning of XXth century by Emil and Georg Zillman (authors between others of Giszowiec and Nikiszowiec Housing District, astonishing Szombierki Power Plant in Bytom,etc.,) is included in “Katowice Coal Mines and Metal Plants” album showing industrial legacy of the town. Apart from historical information and photographs material shows a project of former Uthemann Headquarters Building transformation into retail and office building which received a building permit in 2015.

Numerous works of Atelier PS in Silesian Review of Architecture 2013-2015

Silesian Review of Architecture 2013-2015 shows the XXIst century objects of the area, which were not included in the previous SPAW publication. Among others some Atelier PS buildings are present, e.i. Brynów Center – Scientific-Technical WST Park in Katowice, Marcredo Retail Center in Piekary Śląskie, Extension and Rebuilding of the University of Silesia Rectorate in Katowice and two houses: High Doors House and Catbirds House.

WST Building in "Katowice Houses and Buildings" II

Richly illustarated "Katowice Houses and Buildings" II is a continuation of the first edition of the book published in 2013 and showing the most eminent buildings of the city throghout the years. In this edition two objects designed by Atelier PS for the Technical High School (WST) in Katowice: Rolna Street and Gawronów Street are presented.

High Doors House in the 8th Edition of the V4 Family Houses Exhibition of the Visegrad Group

High Doors House completed in 2014 in Katowice, has been selected as one out of ten objects to represent Polish Architecture in the VIIIth Edition of the V4 Family Houses Exhibition of the Visegrad Group. Forty houses from Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia will be presented at the exhibition which will be held in Cracow, Prague, Budapest and Bratislava at the break of 2015 and 2016.

Building permit for Uthemann Zink Plant

A historical administration building of Uthemann Zink Plant adaptation project located in Katowice-Szopienice received a building permit to transform it into office, retail and storage object. Works aiming at restoration of the exquisite elevation and the beauty of interiors with unique reinforced concrete construction dating 1910 have been initiated.

1st Prize in the design workshop devoted to Integrated Students' Center of the Silesian University

Atelier PS study project was awarded the Ist Prize in the design workshop devoted to Integrated Students' Center of the Silesian University in Katowice. The project depicts possibilities of the location of new university departments, sports hall and student hostels in a rundown quarter of the City. The study shows also directions of spatial development of the Academic Quarter with greenery, pedestrian, bicycle routes and cable car system aiming at integration of the Canpus within the structure of the City of Katowice.

Atelier PS in „Katowice Houses and Buildings” catalogue

Above 100 significant, existing objects built since Katowice were founded are shown in the catalogue „Katowice Houses and Buildings”published in December 2013 with the praface of Henryk Waniek. PH Śliwka – Skoda Car Showroom, designed by Atelier PS , completed in 1997 and located in a pre-war tram depot at Kościuszki Street and a photography of the Academy of Fine Arts Rectorate extension model are among them. In the late 80-ties of the XXth century Mirosław Polak and Marek Skwara designed the extension and adaptation of the 1939 pre-war High Rank Soldiers Canteen by Leon Dietz d'Arma into Academy of Fine Arts administrative and didactic object.

Atelier PS in Silesian Review of Architecture 2000-2012 catalogue

Silesian Review of Architecture 2000-2012 catalogue was published in April 2013. Exhibition of the objects built in Upper Silesia after 1999 took place in Kapelusz Exhibition Hall located in Silesian Park in Chorzów between 6-21 July 2012. Three buildings designed by Atelier PS in Katowice: Toyota MG Center built in 2000, Technical High School (2011) and BMW/Mini Center – Bawaria Motors and DBT Polska Office Building (2002) located in Mysłowice were among 108 objects shown at the exhibition.

„Modernity in a Box”

„Modernity in a Box” written by Anna Okolowska has been published in a March issue of Murator magazine. It presents completed in 2005 refurbishment and extension of a typical 60ties ugly „Polish Box” into functionally and aesthetically friendly city residence in Brynow Area of Katowice.

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